In the context of Agile project management and software development, an EPIC is a large body of work that can be broken down into smaller tasks called user stories. Each EPIC is essentially a collection of related user stories that together achieve a broad, significant goal. They provide a way to manage and organise multiple interrelated tasks, helping teams to stay focused on the overall objective.

Why do we use EPICs?
EPICs are used because they provide a way to break down large, complex projects into manageable parts. They allow teams to organise their work more efficiently and keep an eye on the bigger picture. With EPICs, it becomes easier to track progress, manage workloads, and ensure alignment with the overarching project goals.
EPICs in Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM)
EPICs play a crucial role in Strategic Portfolio Management. They serve as a bridge, linking strategic goals to the operational tasks. Here’s how the Keto Platform leverages EPICs to enhance SPM:
Driving Innovation and Development:
With Keto Platform, you can easily manage your innovation and development programs, projects, and sprints using EPICs, whether they are driven by customer requests, regulatory changes, market dynamics, or crowdsourcing.
Optimising Requirement Definitions:
Keto Platform enables you to rapidly create and optimise your requirements definitions using EPICs, ensuring that your processes and reporting needs are met effectively.
Agile or Traditional:
Whether you prefer the agile method of using user stories and EPICs or a more traditional approach, Keto Platform is flexible and adaptable. It allows you to list, filter, and track the progress of your EPICs, and report against implemented projects and your chosen metrics.
No Coding:
With the Keto Platform, there is no need for coding. The platform can be rapidly configured to fit your needs, making the management of EPICs a smooth and effortless process.
By leveraging EPICs, the Keto Platform enhances Strategic Portfolio Management, leading to improved project tracking, efficient workload management, and ultimately, successful execution of strategic goals.
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