Alpiq in-depth Case Study
The customer case of Alpiq, a leading Swiss energy services provider and electricity producer in Europe, highlights their journey in improving project management processes and systems. Initially, Alpiq relied on an Excel list for managing its IT-related project portfolio, but soon faced limitations in areas like resource planning, budgeting, and project status reporting. In search of a better solution, they evaluated various tools and eventually chose Keto Software’s project portfolio management tool, which matched their requirements closely.
Keto Software provided Alpiq with enhanced capabilities in portfolio management, risk management, status reporting, and notably, resource management. This new system enabled more efficient planning and allocation of resources across projects, aiding in meeting deadlines and improving overall project efficiency. Alpiq’s adoption of the Keto5 platform in 2020 marked a significant improvement in data quality and project management maturity, with customized workflows and governance structures for project approvals.
The collaboration between Alpiq and Keto was fruitful, allowing Alpiq to contribute to the development of the Keto platform, ensuring it met their specific needs and was adaptable to their processes. This human-centric approach by Keto led to a platform that not only offered standard functionalities but also allowed for the integration of Alpiq’s unique requirements. The outcome was a more transparent, efficient, and real-time management of projects and resources, enhancing Alpiq’s project management capabilities significantly.

IT Enterprise Project Management Officer