Covid-19: Business almost as usual

Over the last 10 years, we have developed a highly-effective customer onboarding process that is easy to implement remotely in a matter of hours. Within 2 weeks, you will benefit from a fully customised tool that incorporates all of your own workflows and organisation structure.
The Keto platform is completely Cloud based and requires no onsite installation.
Our project managers are using a range of tools to stay in close contact with our customers and hold meetings remotely.
The Keto platform is exceptionally user friendly and our product trainers are able to deliver fun online training sessions.
All our staff are working remotely wherever possible and are always happy to have a chat with you.
If you need a site meeting, this can be arranged following a suitable risk assessment.
To benefit from a free trial of the software or to discuss a fixed-price Proof of Concept, get in touch today.
Keto Software staff, based in the UK, Finland, Switzerland and Germany, have been subject to various local restrictions but our business has remained unaffected. We are fortunate to have strong demand from new customers and to be able to continue our current projects relatively easily as all our work can be done remotely. We have some great new customer cases announcing soon and we’ve been busy with new customers digitising processes and getting them set up to take control of their portfolios.
Most of our customers are multi-nationals and all of our customers are distributed organisations. Over the last few years we completely redesigned our software, resulting in our Platform v5 that we launched last year. We learnt that business decision-makers’ biggest frustrations with business intelligence tools revolved around solutions requiring massive amounts of custom coding and bodged software components. The more custom coding required, the less likely people were to ever get to really use a truly functional system. Any changes were expensive, if possible at all. With hindsight, moving to a remote-first, mobile-friendly model last year was timely. Perhaps the other pillar to our philosophy is that we believe frankensystems hold businesses back.
There’s no doubt that true Software-as-a-Service companies with service delivery via public or private cloud have had a distinct edge during this time of remote working. Reliable companies with proven scalable technologies are flying. We owe an enormous debt to our Internet Service Providers for preserving service quality and enabling digital society and digital business. Because our work involves critical business processes, we do spend time outside the software interface, in workshops, helping our customers translate their demands for decision gates and reports – out of meeting minutes and XLS, and into modern business tools. We are fortunate that we can easily do this remotely and for us, the main medium for all this – for consultation, implementation tasks, the onboarding timeline and the presentation of customer processes – the medium is our own SaaS platform.
For some people, especially those familiar with working from home, personal productivity is soaring. We are lucky that the PMO and R&D people we work with everyday tend to be motivated and visionary, agents of change, striving to benefit their team, unit and business.
We are listening. It’s falling into two camps.
Of course, there are those who have to temper their ambition at this time. Work has to slow right now, but for them, it’s a time to assess and articulate their demands for the future. For others, there’s a new-found freedom in changing the physics of daily work life that brings new impetus. It’s seems obvious now that working transparently is a success factor. Innovation is needed now. Transformation projects need to deliver results now. Remote tools are needed now.
Change is inevitable. The way we communicate is changing faster than even the most extreme predictions. We have just witnessed astonishing change in the global workforce. On one hand, showcasing how incredibly adaptable and resilient we can be, on the other, sadly, exposing how inflexible and vulnerable some businesses have been.
We are adapting – but what is the new normal?
It’s characterised by a heightened awareness, of health, or personal space, of care workers, of the whereabouts of our colleagues, the adaptability of our teachers. I think this new normal is people-first.
Wherever you are in the world, we hope you are safe and you are able to continue to live and work. It is a testing period for all of us and the time of Covid-19 is bringing great suffering to many people. We are fortunate that we can continue our work, almost as normal, and we hope that what we do helps to make others’ work more productive in these difficult circumstances.
As a company and as an individual, I have a positive outlook. For us, it’s business (almost) as usual. For others, we hope you come #backstronger
Veijo Hytti, CEO and the Keto Software team